Visit the Mysore Fig Tree in Estero | 163/365 Things to Do
Located just north of Bonita Springs in Estero, Florida is the Mysore Fig Tree. It’s one of our more locally famous landmark trees. It was imported from Mysore, India. The tree is over 100 years old and is now an enormous tree with a fascinating and beautiful root system. There aren’t other trees like it in the area. The tree is on private property but it is a semi public tree. It’s popular with those who have interest in arbor and the owners of the tree have it decorated for holidays such as Christmas.
If you’re fascinated by trees and looking for a driving trip of things to do while you’re in SWFL you can find the tree at the corner of Sandy Ln. and Broadway in Estero, Florida right by community of The Groves. Other trees of interest in the area include the Banyan Tree in Bonita Springs and Royal Palm Trees of McGregor. To learn more, read also, The Tree by The Groves