Oak Creek Preserve Bonita Springs Node Park | 177/365 Things to Do

Oak Creek Preserve Node ParkThere’s a hand full of node parks in Bonita Springs. They are the few tiny little parks with unsung publicity that most people do not know about.  Besides Carpenter Lane Park there is the Oak Creek Preserve park located near Samanns in Bonita Springs at the corner of Matheson South and Dean Street. 

Oak Creek Preserve is a slice of old Florida with tall sabal palms and old oak trees draped in Spanish Moss. The land is cleared of underbrush and Oak Creek, one of the smaller tributaries in Bonita Springs cuts through the land.  There isn’t much to do at Oak Creek Preserve but it does fulfill wildlife with a place to live in our ever growing area.

Read also, Carpenter Lane Node Park Bonita Springs | 165/365 Things to Do

Read also, Leitner Creek Tributary to Imperial River