Tropical Storm Erika – Hurricane Erika 2015

The terror and “state of emergency” over tropical storms and hurricanes in Southwest Florida.  If you found this Bonita Springs website by Googling to see what the storms are doing in Bonita Springs because you have a seasonal home here, you’ve come to the right place.  First and foremost, if you are on Facebook, join my Bonita Springs Estero Community Forum or paste this link in your browser:

Tropical Storm Erika Bonita SpringsMyself and a few group administrators are updating the page with real time news, tropical storm weather updates and information. I  can tell you from 30 years of experience living in Bonita Springs that the “news” inflates the details. Now, with over 2,000 members active in this group you can probably ask pointed questions about your neighborhood or even your street and someone next door will be able to either post pictures or give you direct feedback. 

The counties of Lee and Collier will likely both declare a state of emergency with regard to Tropical Storm Erika.   BONITA SPRINGS – ESTERO – NAPLES ARE A WATER BASED COMMUNITY  getting the back side of the storm so it will be windy and pushing water onshore so if that gets combined with high tide it is dangerous.  Those in low lying areas need to be warned more so than newer neighborhoods so they start the warnings early.  Don’t panic! 

There are always a lot of reports and tasty network news clips that scare Bonita Springs residents terribly while they are out of town. Tune into the group and put your mind at ease.  If you can’t access Facebook you can always pick up the phone and call or text me  239-273-7430 or Angela, my daughter in law who is my buyer’s agent, 239-728-7599 for a real time report about the 239 area.