Bonita Beach Sunset Kite Surfing
Many years ago I was visiting the Grand Canyon and asked a waiter at El Tovar if he had ever gotten used to seeing it. The Canyon is an absolute miracle and I still can’t look at it without tearing up. The waiter saw it every day. Had it become invisible? He guessed it took about three months to disappear for him. He just didn’t notice it any more.
When he asked me why I asked, I let him know that I live just a few miles from the Gulf of Mexico, Bonita Beach, Florida. He immediately said, “The ocean? You must go to the beach every day!”
Strangely, the beach, Bonita Beach, becomes the Grand Canyon for some of us that live here long enough. Sometimes I drive by it and barely notice. Sometimes I go months without even seeing it if I don’t have a reason to drive down Hickory Blvd.
We had a cold rainy spell this week so when the sun came out just before sunset I decided to go Bonita Beach and watch that sun go down. Well, it was cold and I didn’t have enough gear. I stayed for a minute, just long enough to snap a few shots of Jaime the Kite Surfer giving someone a kite surfing lesson.
From what I understand, and from the look of the abs the kite surfers have, it is a strenuous sport. This guy was just learning to manage the whole situation on the sand before he gets his ass kicked on the water.
I did manage to take one other picture at the beach where the strong waves and wind cut the shore … before my chattering teeth ended up back in the car.
Enjoy this *almost* Bonita Beach sunset, wherever you might be: