Orange Seed Pod

The Colors of Fall in Florida

It sort of looks like a squash flower and it grows on a vine.  It’s probably only a random weed but I notice things. I’m on my feet a lot and make my way all over town.  The last few months have been spent running the many miles of walking paths in Bonita Bay.  In addition to the street side sidewalks there are It looks like a squash flowermarked, paved trails that are woven through the community.  This vine is everywhere along the edge of the golf course and paths.

The flower is tiny and eventually turns into a squash looking fruit or something.  It’s bright orange like fall and when it ripens it’s full of vibrant red seeds.

Actually, there are a lot of color changes happening around Bonita Springs but most people are just too busy to see them because they aren’t huge displays like the leaf changes up north. 

Magnolia trees have been done blossoming and if you look closely at the trees they have a pine cone looking seed pod that is full of bright red seeds, too. Maple trees are slowly turning and weeds are seeding.  Fall is happening out there if you just stop for a minute and look for it.

Orange Pod Red Seeds