Pink Flowers

New Blossoms in Old Bonita

The scavenger hunt for the ugly mailbox the Lowes guy told me about occurred today. Nice directions! I found it on the first try. What I wasn't expecting around the corner was a gold mine of other mailboxes. People off of Matheson and Dean have a great sense of humor. The street is a "no outlet" so I rarely go down it. In fact, I wondered when I last drove in the area and surmise it was about 20 years ago.

On my way back to Carl Circle I did go past Bonita Springs Elementary and the cute little garden nursery behind it. Its like boutique shopping for flowers and shrubs. One on one help and no big box store waiting for help. You can't beat one on one service. I'm going back for photos of the nursery because it's just so cute with a little picket fence around it. I wonder if I can get flowers like these, there. Eh, never mind. This bush was swarming with bumble bees. I was a little bit scared taking the photos, if you must know the truth. There, my conscious feels cleansed. Well, not really. You would have been scared to, right?

Pink Flowers