UPDATED LEE COUNTY FLOOD MAPS HERE: Identifying Bonita Springs Flood Zone | Map
You can use the FEMA maps by reading this:
If you're thinking of buying Bonita Springs real estate and you're interested in finding out which communities are or are not in a flood zone, you can find the zones on the FEMA website. FEMA has an interactive map where you can search for flood zones by address or even by zip code to get a full over view of the city.
I've been working with buyers who are interested in purchasing a home in The Reserve at Estero. (By the way, there are some screaming deals at The Reserve) I simply entered the zip code 33928 and the city map popped up. I isolated the area of Estero Parkway by clicking the cursor and drawing a square around the area of interest and it shows exactly where the flood zone begins and ends.
Personally, I find the FEMA site somewhat cumbersome and some features are downright difficult to use. Hey, that's government for you. Since the map itself is java I can't post a link to it, but you can get to the map by going to the site:
FEMA Flood Map Page then click on the Map Search feature. Be patient, it takes a minute or two to load the data. Did I mention that it's cumbersome?
This is a national map, you can search anywhere in the United States.