
Angels Trumpet Pretty But Deadly

Angels Trumpet is another back yard beauty in the Bonita Springs area.  I’m not sure if it’s called angels trumpet because the trumpets hang straight down as though they’re pointed from the heavens or because when this plant is ingested, there’s a good chance that that trumpet will be calling you to heaven.

Every few years or so a group of kids will get together and make some some tea or eat some of it just for giggles.  There’s nothing funny about what happens next.  The plant, in its hallucinogenic qualities is sort of pass-fail.  The “fail” is permanent and fatal. 

I wonder what inspired Georgia O’Keefe to paint The White Trumpet Flower cir. 1932?

It’s better to look and not touch … and definitely not eat.  Here’s the blossom in various stages of bud, half opened, profile and completely open:

How Can Something So Pretty Be So Deadly